The Department of School Education of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered the schools to conduct the term written examinations for the students in classes from the 6th to the 8th Standards from 5th January.
With the extent/impact of the raging spread of the coronavirus having reduced considerably, there has been a recent trend of increase in the spread of the latest variant of the coronavirus infection known as Omicron.
However, with the prevailing trend of increased relaxations on the restriction/regulations, the schools were also reopened. As such, regular direct classes are Bering conducted for the school students from 1st September.
As the Public Examinations were cancelled last year due to the then raging coronavirus, the State Government Department of School Education has informed that the Public Examinations for the 10th, 11th, & 12th Standards will be conducted this year!
In the above scenario, it has been informed by the Department of School Education that term examinations must be conducted for the students from the 6th to the 8th Standards for marks assessment on their learning. Accordingly, a timetable has been released along with an order to conduct the term written examinations from 5th January until 11th January for assessment.
The language examinations will be conducted from 2.00 PM to 3.15 PM For the other subjects, it will be conducted from 2.00 PM to 3.00 PM.
The subject for the examination on 5th January will be Tamil. On 6th January, it will be English. On 7th January, it will be Maths. On 8th January, it will be an elective language. On 10th January, it will be Science. On 11th January, it will be Social Science.
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